The classic trap for any revolutionary is always, “What's your alternative?” But even if you could provide the interrogator with a blueprint, this does not mean he would use it: in most cases he is not sincere in wanting to know. In fact this is a common offensive, a technique to reflect revolutionary anger and turn it against itself. Moreover, the oppressed have no job to convince all people. All they need know is that the present system is destroying them.
Shulamith FirestoneFeminism, when it truly achieves its goals, will crack through the most basic structures of our society.
Shulamith FirestoneMen are thinking, writing, and creating, because women were pouring their energy into those men; women are not creating culture because they are occupied with love.
Shulamith Firestonethe myth of childhood happiness flourishes so wildly not because it satisfies the needs of children but because it satisfies the needs of adults. In a culture of alienated people, the belief that everyone has at least one good period in life free of care and drudgery dies hard. And obviously you can't expect it in your old age. So it must be you've already had it.
Shulamith is essentially a much simpler phenomenon--it becomes complicated, corrupted or obstructed by an unequal balance of power.
Shulamith FirestoneThe classic trap for any revolutionary is always, “What's your alternative?” But even if you could provide the interrogator with a blueprint, this does not mean he would use it: in most cases he is not sincere in wanting to know. In fact this is a common offensive, a technique to reflect revolutionary anger and turn it against itself. Moreover, the oppressed have no job to convince all people. All they need know is that the present system is destroying them.
Shulamith Firestone