If all the evidence put forward for the authenticity of religious teachings originates in the past, it is natural to look round and see whether the present, about which it is easier to form judgements, may not also be able to furnish evidence of the sort. If by this means we could succeed in clearing even a single portion of the religious system from doubt, the whole of it would gain enormously in credibility.
Sigmund FreudBeauty has no obvious use; nor is there any clear cultural necessity for it. Yet civilization could not do without it.
Sigmund FreudThe creative writer does the same as the child at play; he creates a world of fantasy which he takes very seriously.
Sigmund FreudIt sounds not only disagreeable but also paradoxical, yet it must nevertheless be said that anyone who is to be really free and happy in love must have surmounted his respect for women and have come to terms with the idea of incest with his mother or sister.
Sigmund Freud