Just as an earthly garden needs constant attention, so, too, does our spiritual garden. When we first begin our journey of spirituality our garden is filled with all sorts of interesting items--it was not, after all, a fallow place before we sought to investigate what might be there and what we could possibly put in it. Everyone's spiritual garden is different, because each individual is unique.
Silver RavenWolfOnce one realizes that magick works, and that it works based on scientific factors, the next step is to hone one's skill to reach repetitive success. What makes magick so interesting is that because we are individuals, the combination that unlocks the door to success will vary from person to person, yet the main thrust of the work operates on a specific set of scientific formulas that our scientists are only now beginning to fathom. The mystery, then, lies within each of us.
Silver RavenWolfMagick, in it's own way, is a science of psychology because it uses the power of the mind to bring forth change in one's life.
Silver RavenWolfThough magical communities believe in the God and the Goddess - the equally balanced male and female sides of Spirit - they also believe this equality brings wholeness and creates the One.
Silver RavenWolf