The logic: Reading is a private pursuit, one that often takes place behind closed doors. A young lady might retreat with a book, might even take it into her boudoir, and there, reclining on here silken sheets, imbibing the thrills and chills manufactured by writerly quills, one of her hands, one not absolutely needed to grip the little volume, might wander. The fear, in short, as one-handed reading. [p. 146]
Siri HustvedtMany writers over the centuries simply do not have the reputations they deserve because they were female, and that is an act of suppression.
Siri HustvedtEvery sickness has an alien quality, a feeling of invasion and loss of control that is evident in the language we use about it.
Siri HustvedtI've often thought that one of us is what we imagine, that each of us normalizes the terrible strangeness of inner life with a variety of convenient fictions.
Siri Hustvedt