Rastafari is our king or emperor, and being a king, being an emperor you've been taught all the ways of the ancestors. With the knowledge and teachings and studying his majesty, I've learned to put all these principles and precepts into the music, so that is how it inspires me to be singin' good songs and makin' good music for the people. Natural.
SizzlaStop killing your brothers and your sisters and help them out in any difficulty. That's my message.
SizzlaMy message is love and righteousness and peace and to share and care for yourself and share for others as you would share for yourself. A message of your inner thoughts.
SizzlaWe're all the scriptures. We live the scriptures. The scriptures doesn't manifest unless it is amongst human beings and the scriptures are for us, written by us. The scriptures didn't write itself. We wrote the scriptures.
SizzlaI hope you get a message of love and to continue the love and continue the spirit that I'm trying to transmit to you in a righteous sense to be in one unity. Rastafari!