Because, ten-year-olds of the world, you shouldn't believe what your teachers tell you about the beauty and specialness and uniqueness of you. Or, believe it, little snowflake, but know it won't make a bit of difference until after puberty. It's Newton's lost law: anything that makes you unique later will get your chocolate milk stolen and your eye blackened as a kid. Won't it, Sebastian? Oh, yes, it will, my little Mandarin Chinese-learning, Poe-reciting, high-top-wearing friend. God bless you, wherever you are.
Sloane CrosleyIt is my belief that people who speak of high school with a sugary fondness are bluffing away early-onset Alzheimer's.
Sloane CrosleyCohabitation seems a greater leap in cities because it's all the harder to extract oneself if things turn sour. It's what keeps otherwise functional adults living with their mothers.
Sloane CrosleyI think it's hard to have a full-time job and write fiction, but for essays, you need to be in the world.
Sloane CrosleyWhen you spin a globe and point to a city and actually go to that city, you build an allowance of missed opportunities on the back end.
Sloane CrosleyWhen I was 14, a camp counselor explained what "eating out" was and I vowed to never have it done to me. It seemed cannibalistic and unhygienic. I also remember that she claimed--in front of an entire cabin of girls--to have been "eaten out" by one of the maintenance men in a hot tub. Under hot water. Either something is amiss in my memory of this conversation or she found the most talented man on the planet and all hope is lost for the rest of us.
Sloane Crosley