The point is not how long you meditate; the point is whether the practice actually brings you to a certain state of mindfulness and presence, where you are a little open and able to connect with your heart essence. And five minutes of wakeful sitting practice is of far greater value than twenty minutes of dozing!
Sogyal RinpocheLight must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.
Sogyal RinpocheI can't say it strongly enough; to integrate meditation in action is the whole ground and point and purpose of meditation
Sogyal RinpocheThis dying forces you to look into yourself. And in this, compassion is the only way. Love is the only way.
Sogyal Rinpoche. . . when the nature of mind is introduced by a master, it is just too simple for us to believe. Our ordinary mind tells us this cannot be, there must be something more to it than this. It must surely be more "glorious", with light blazing in space around us, angels with flowing golden hair swooping down to meet us, and a deep Wizard of Oz voice announcing, "Now you have been introduced to the nature of your mind." There is no such drama.
Sogyal Rinpoche