There is indeed something deeply wrong with a person who lacks principles, who has no moral core. There are, likewise, certainly values that brook no compromise, and I would count among them integrity, fairness, and the avoidance of cruelty. But I have never accepted the argument that principle is compromised by judging each situation on its own merits, with due appreciation of the idiosyncrasy of human motivation and fallibility.
SoniaTurn yourself inside out. Live with absolute certainty that you have the power to create anything that you desire-anything!-because the power you need is the power of the Universe flowing through you.
SoniaYou can't say: This much love is worth this much misery. They're not opposites that cancel each other out; they're both true at the same time.
SoniaMake your own talent, make your own luck, and activate your stubborn streak, and there's nothing that can stop you.
SoniaDressing badly has been a refuge much of my life, a way of compelling others to engage with my mind, not my physical presence. Page. 283
SoniaThere is indeed something deeply wrong with a person who lacks principles, who has no moral core. There are, likewise, certainly values that brook no compromise, and I would count among them integrity, fairness, and the avoidance of cruelty. But I have never accepted the argument that principle is compromised by judging each situation on its own merits, with due appreciation of the idiosyncrasy of human motivation and fallibility.