My Lord does not want to know what I have done for Him. He just wants to know how I am. If he hears from me that I am happy, then he himself becomes exceedingly happy. In umistakable terms He tells me that my happiness is His real and only Satisfaction.
Sri ChinmoyOptimism is the secret of self-reliance. Self-reliance is the secret of a dynamic power. A dynamic power is the secret of an immediate success.
Sri ChinmoyWhen I was an animal I evolved through selfishness. Now that I am a man my evolution can be achieved only through self-sacrifice.
Sri ChinmoySpirituality is the science that teaches us how to achieve peace of mind and supreme satisfaction. Right now we are hankering after many, many things, but nothing we get satisfies us. Spirituality tells us that satisfaction can be found only if we lead a good and divine life-a life of simplicity, purity and humility.
Sri Chinmoy