If you are passionate, be passionate about the highest, the most wonderful, and the most beautiful. Be passionate about this entire creation for everything is so beautiful.
Sri Sri Ravi ShankarThe signs of good health are an intellect which is free from inhibition and arrogance, a heart which is full of compassion is healthy, a confusion-free mind, a trauma-free memory and a sorrow-free soul.
Sri Sri Ravi ShankarFind the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.
Sri Sri Ravi ShankarFavorable and unfavorable conditions are part of living but smiling through them all is the Art of Living.
Sri Sri Ravi ShankarLife is more than matter. If it were just matter, there would be no need for comfort. Matter does not feel comfort or discomfort, beauty or ugliness, love or compassion, joy or sorrow. Will a chair ever feel sorry or happy? No, matter does not have these finer values. They belong to the realm of the spirit. But life is also more than spirit. If it were just spirit, there would be no need for water, food, or rest. Human life is a combination of both matter and spirit.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar