And let the truth be your delight...Proclaim it..., but with a certain congeniality.
St. Catherine of SienaThere is no sin nor wrong that gives man such a foretaste of Hell in this life as anger and impatience.
St. Catherine of SienaOf course you are unworthy. But when do you hope to be worthy? You will be no more worthy at the end than at the beginning. God alone is worthy of Himself, He alone can make us worthy of Him.
St. Catherine of SienaWhoever loves himself or the world inordinately becomes incompatible with himself.
St. Catherine of SienaAnd of what should we be afraid? Our captain on this battlefield is Christ Jesus. We have discovered what we have to do. Christ has bound our enemies for us and weakened them that they cannot overcome us unless we so choose to let them. So we must fight courageously and mark ourselves with the sign of the most Holy Cross.
St. Catherine of Siena