It’s hard to remember that Jesus did not come to make us safe, but rather to make us disciples, citizens of God’s new age, a kingdom of surprise.
Stanley HauerwasWe complain of the increased tempo of our lives, but our frenetic lives are just reflection of the economic system that we have created.
Stanley HauerwasOur hope in life beyond death is a hope made possible, not by some general sentimental belief in life after death, but by our participation in the life of Christ.
Stanley HauerwasI confess I take perverse delight as a theologian in the controversies surrounding postmodernism.
Stanley HauerwasCivil religion is the attempt to empower religion, not for the good of religion, but for the creation of the citizen.
Stanley HauerwasI have assumed my clear commitment to a Trinitarian orthodoxy was sufficient evidence that I have not intentionally ignored the role of the Holy Spirit. It may be true, however, that my work has been so Christ-centred, I may have given the impression that the Holy Spirit is an afterthought.
Stanley Hauerwas