I like that band Get Hustle. They're cool live. I haven't heard their records, though.
Stephen MalkmusWhen I was in high school, I was a late bloomer. And just like all those supermodels who said they were gawky and no one liked them, that was me - metaphorically. And so I was ready to rise like a phoenix in later times.
Stephen MalkmusThere's something in life that's cool, it's relatively cheap, and fun, and populist. Even when it's elitist.
Stephen MalkmusIt's normally in the morning, just playing around. And I'm not saying everything I make is great, but that's what I do. I can't even remember how I wrote stuff.
Stephen MalkmusThe earlier stuff is more like "this is happening to me," but now there are more songs that are accusatory or something, or more declaratory. I don't know where that voice comes from, like, "I've been down the road, we've been there and done that." That's sort of like a tougher style, or a less vulnerable style.
Stephen Malkmus