Every song has a different genesis, or feeling. Usually the lyrics, I don't really know what it's all about, I just kinda do it. I mean, there's a combination of, like you're saying, that kind of lyrics about commitment or vaguely relationship lyrics mixed with jokey 90s Beck-style non-sequiturs and stuff.
Stephen MalkmusThe best I do, if I'm just playing around and riffing in a fantasy world, and then I'll write something down. Hopefully I write it down.
Stephen MalkmusIt's easy to be negatively funny about personalities in the media. It's just kind of a cheap laugh.
Stephen MalkmusWhen I was in high school, I was a late bloomer. And just like all those supermodels who said they were gawky and no one liked them, that was me - metaphorically. And so I was ready to rise like a phoenix in later times.
Stephen Malkmus