It had long been an ambition to find the line of force that might lead to the Holy Land in the time of Christ.
Stephen R. LawheadWe kissed, then, and the ardour of her kiss stole my breath away. I returned her passion with all the fervor I possessed. A lifetime of vows and heart-felt disciplines had prepared me well, for in that kiss I sealed with all my soul the fate before me, embracing a mystery clothed in warm and yielding female flesh. Holding only the moment, with neither thought nor care for the future, I kissed her, and drank deep the strong wine of desire.
Stephen R. LawheadThat Arthur has not always existed seems odd to me. Like the wind on the moors and the wild winter stars, surely he has always lived . . . and always will.
Stephen R. LawheadPerhaps it is how we are made; perhaps words of truth reach us best through the heart, and stories and songs are the language of the heart
Stephen R. LawheadThe Queen of Air and Darkness tilted back her head and laughed. A more ghastly sound I hope never to hear. โDo you think I care about these trifles?โ โMurder is no trifle, woman,โ Arthur said. โNo? How many men have you killed, Great King? How many have you slain without cause? How many did you cut down that you might have spared? How many died because you in your battle-rage would not heed their pleas for mercy?โ The High King opened his mouth to speak, but could make no answer.
Stephen R. Lawhead