You have to get along with people, but you also have to recognize that the strength of a team is different people with different perspectives and different personalities.
Steve CaseThe real magic in National Geographic isn't how much money they have left at the end of the year. It's the fact that through their overall focus they are reaching hundreds of millions of people and educating people about the world. It just happens to be done in a business-oriented kind of way that is more sustainable.
Steve CaseI'm not sure I knew what an entrepreneur was when I was ten, but I knew that starting little businesses and trying to sell greeting cards or newspapers door-to-door or just vending machine kind of thing is.. there's just something very intriguing to me about that.
Steve CaseSo my degree was in political science, which I think was - the closest I could come to marketing is politics.
Steve CaseIf you don't have both of them working together in a complementary, cohesive way, you're not going to be successful.
Steve CaseIt's actually a relatively small number of people that really are those risk takers, and a relatively small number of people that end up really having an impact on the world, and it doesn't take a lot of people. We said, 'Well, rather than just sit by and wait, or fold our tent and go do something else, let's keep at it. Maybe we can be the ones who can figure this out,' and eventually we were.
Steve Case