Marriage I think For women Is the best of opiates. It kills the thoughts That think about the thoughts, It is the best of opiates. So said Maria. But too long in solitude she'd dwelt, And too long her thoughts had felt Their strength. So when the man drew near, Out popped her thoughts and covered him with fear. Poor Maria! Better that she had kept her thoughts on a chain, For now she's alone again and all in pain; She sighs for the man that went and the thoughts that stay To trouble her dreams by night and her dreams by day.
Stevie SmithThe world is come upon me, I used to keep it a long way off, But now I have been run over and I am in the hands of the hospital staff.
Stevie SmithThe sea was angry that day my friend, like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.
Stevie SmithA great artist ... takes what he did not make and makes of it something that only he can make.
Stevie SmithLove is not love that wounded bleeds And bleeding sullies slow. Come death within my hands and I Unto my love will go.
Stevie Smith