An intelligent man or woman willing to make a career of reviewing fiction is hard to come by ... And the temporaries do the work cheaply. Moreover, continuity may be got at the expense of intellectual arthritis; a reviewer who has been at his grisly task for half a lifetime may stiffen into prejudices of every sort, and become too anchylosed to do better than turn his back to a new wave when it rushes down on him.
Storm JamesonIn my firm, we dealt in lies. Advertising is that ... the skilful use of the truth to mislead, to spoil, to debase.
Storm JamesonAn animal is not cruel; it lives wholly in the instant leap on its prey, in the present taste of marrow or blood. Cruelty begins with the memory, and the pleasures of the memory are impure; they draw their strength along levels where no sun has reached.
Storm JamesonIs it really beyond our wits to devise some form of censorship which would trap only the crudely sadistic?
Storm JamesonA nation has honor precisely as it has fleas - on this or that body. The statesman who talks of honor - unless he means something else, quite different - is a rogue.
Storm Jameson