Open your eyes, whether you presently believe it or not, your life is already abundant. Before you can accept abundance in your life, you have to notice it.
Susan JeffersYour joy, your happiness, your satisfaction and your ability to dance with life, depends solely on what you pay attention to.
Susan JeffersWhen you put loving thoughts and behavior into the world, you plant seeds of self-respect. When you put unloving thoughts and behavior into the world, you destroy seeds of self-respect.
Susan JeffersObviously, the real issue has nothing to do with fear itself, but, rather, how we hold the fear. For some, the fear is totally irrelevant. For others, it creates a state of paralysis. The former hold their fear from a position of power (choice, energy, and action), and the latter hold it from a position of pain (helplessness, depression, and paralysis).
Susan Jeffers