It might sound trite, but happiness is a decision not a destination, and my choices now are all based on whether not a particular action will get me closer to my goals. It's something I'm quite ruthless about, and it helps me avoid the aforementioned wild goose chases!
Suw Charman-AndersonI am terminally curious, so I tend to be attracted to the shiny. That's a mixed blessing, as sometimes it means that I can end up right on the cutting edge, but sometimes it can result in wild goose chases as well. Either way, it makes life interesting!
Suw Charman-AndersonSuccess is about happiness and security, rather than hitting any particular sort of job or rung on the career ladder.
Suw Charman-AndersonThe amazing thing about working in social media and technology is that you can get to know the sharpest thinkers from around the world without having to spend hours on planes!
Suw Charman-AndersonI had two competing ambitions when I was a child: I wanted to be a Scientist and Discover Great Things, but I also wanted to be an Author and Write Great Things. I've always tried to combine the analytical with the creative, to some extent or another, because I find it hard to do one without the other. I've worked as a tech journalist, social media consultant, and now am self-publishing fiction.
Suw Charman-Anderson