For example, because I'm a lapsed geologist, I followed the eruption of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajรถkull in 2010 in great detail, amassing a huge number of links to news articles, blog posts, scientific papers, web cams, video and photos. That archive came to the attention of Chatham House, and they then commissioned me to research the way in which the media responded to the ash cloud crisis. I think that's the only time that my degree and my career have fully intersected, and it really was a lovely moment!
Suw Charman-AndersonI first learnt to program a computer when I was nine, when my dad got a ZX80, but I think I would have had to be a particularly perspicacious child to have foreseen the iPad or Twitter!
Suw Charman-AndersonFor example, because I'm a lapsed geologist, I followed the eruption of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajรถkull in 2010 in great detail, amassing a huge number of links to news articles, blog posts, scientific papers, web cams, video and photos. That archive came to the attention of Chatham House, and they then commissioned me to research the way in which the media responded to the ash cloud crisis. I think that's the only time that my degree and my career have fully intersected, and it really was a lovely moment!
Suw Charman-AndersonThe amazing thing about working in social media and technology is that you can get to know the sharpest thinkers from around the world without having to spend hours on planes!
Suw Charman-AndersonI am terminally curious, so I tend to be attracted to the shiny. That's a mixed blessing, as sometimes it means that I can end up right on the cutting edge, but sometimes it can result in wild goose chases as well. Either way, it makes life interesting!
Suw Charman-Anderson