Wherever there has been expansion in love or progress in well-being, of individuals or numbers, it has been through the perception, realisation, and the practicalisation of the Eternal Truth-the oneness of all beings
Swami VivekanandaGod is present in every Jiva; there is no other God besides that. Who serves Jiva serves God indeed.
Swami VivekanandaIf you are a strong man, very good! But do not curse others who are not strong enough for you. ...Everyone says, "Woe unto you people!!" Who says, "Woe unto me that I cannot help you?" The people are doing all right to the best of their ability and means and knowledge. Woe unto me that I cannot lift them to where I am!
Swami VivekanandaLet us make our hearts as big as an ocean, to go beyond all the trifles of the world and see it only as a picture. We can then enjoy the world without being in any way affected by it.
Swami VivekanandaThose who are acquainted with the literature of India will remember a beautiful old story about this extreme charity, how a whole family, as related in the Mahรขbhรขrata, starved themselves to death and gave their last meal to a beggar. This is not an exaggeration, for such things still happen.
Swami Vivekananda