Being always overavid, I demand from those I love a love equal to mine, which, being balanced people, they cannot supply.
Sylvia Ashton-WarnerHow much of my true self I camouflage and choke in order to commend myself to him, denying the fullness of me. How often have I paraded sweetness and interest when I felt otherwise; pretended to take careful leave of him on many an occasion when I would rather have walked right out. How I've toned myself down, diluted myself to maintain his approval.
Sylvia Ashton-WarnerOff fall the wife, the mother, the lover, the teacher, and the violent artist takes over. I am I alone. I belong to no one but myself. I mate with no one but the spirit. I own no land, have no kin, no friend or enemy. I have no road but this one.
Sylvia Ashton-Warner