I agree with Godโs Word; I disagree with any condition, situation or circumstance contrary to that Word.
T. B. JoshuaThey that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, shall be healed, delivered and set free. Be set free, in the name of Jesus Christ!
T. B. JoshuaThe power that flows from His name, the name Jesus, will be in proportion to our love for His Word.
T. B. JoshuaThe flag of your nation - wave it! Begin to separate your nation from whatever covenant your forefathers must have had. Break the covenant of corruption/ stealing/ killing/ destruction/ idolatry - break it right now!
T. B. JoshuaWhen the Spirit of God comes into us, He wants to be Himself in us. He wants His energy to be poured through us. He wants His wisdom to be deposited in our hearts. He wants His instinct and nature to be evident and obvious in you.He wants us to see what He is looking at, to feel what He feels, to know what He knows, to work with His projects, see life the way He sees it, get His ideas and know His opinion about yourself and others.
T. B. Joshua