The United States of America or the Western countries, they don't have a problem with Islamists as long as they are neoliberal capitalists and promoting the economic order. And the best example is the petro-monarchies. The petro-monarchies, they don't want democracy. They say there is no democracy in Islam. But they are within the economic system.
Tariq RamadanOur pluralist society must provide its citizens with the tools to understand religions, their symbols and their practices.
Tariq RamadanI can see both trends among the youths: people who are ready for a constructive, critical and active presence, and others who are ready to become invisible Muslims and to compromise to be accepted. I put my hope in the former and pray for the latter.
Tariq RamadanProud to be a Muslim isn't a stamp you have on your heart, it's a light you have in your heart.
Tariq RamadanThere is the philosophy embedded in the culture we are living. It is quite clear for example that Arabs have a different culture than Malaysians.
Tariq Ramadan