I definitely know that there's somebody looking out for me, because I could never do this alone.
Taylor SwiftI'm the girl who - I call it girl-next-door-itis - the hot guy is friends with and gets all his relationship advice from but never considers dating.
Taylor SwiftIf you can figure out how you're feeling, then maybe you have a chance of getting over it.
Taylor SwiftBeing single is wonderful and I love it. I don't ever have a morning where I wake up and say, 'I really need to find a boyfriend today.'
Taylor SwiftThere are videos where I would go approaching strangers and sing the songs from 'The Lion King. I would have been about four years, and I came running up to people on the beach, strangers that I chose at random and began to sing, and my family never knew where I was, they were always looking for me, trying to imagine who I was harassing this time .
Taylor Swift