I didn't care what, how much adversity life threw at me. I intended to get to the top.
I wanted to better inform the world.
The worst sin, the ultimate sin for me, in anything, is to be bored.
It was a struggle financing CNN, but I did it without ever asking the government for a nickel.
The word impossible does not exist for me. I've got a lot of signal flags in my flag bag, but there is not a white one in there. I am going to keep fighting until the day I die - and might keep on fighting afterward ... depends on where I am.
I'm a human being, just like everybody else. I'm up some days and down others. Some days, I just refuse comment. If I'm feeling a little down, I won't say anything. But if I'm really up, I'll let it all hang out. I do have a slight propensity to put my foot in my mouth.