The point with Buddhism is that it doesn't just tell you to be good, it tells you how. It doesn't just say, "Don't be angry," it shows us the methods to help us not to be angry. It gives techniques for everything that it advises us to cultivate, and all the negative qualities we need to overcome and transform.
Tenzin PalmoThe internet can be enormously helpful, just like books can, but I don't think it's the be all and end all for really practicing Buddhism. At a certain point, as with learning any skill, we need personal instruction from someone who is more advanced than us.
Tenzin PalmoWestern Tibetan Buddhists are always looking out there at the distant snow peaks and they lose the flowers along the path.
Tenzin PalmoDon't be thinking that this lama over there is giving better teachings or that this lama over here is giving more secret initiations. Leave that. Just keep the practice very simple, try to stay in the moment and try to stay mindful.
Tenzin PalmoThis precious life is our opportunity. We are not the millions and millions of other things that are not human.
Tenzin Palmo