The 'person' is not an interchangeable part. The 'citizen' is. ... The person is harking back to a pre-print model. It's what the hippies were.
Terence McKennaWhen we free ourselves we are not freed into a void. When we free ourselves we are freed into a dimension in which Art is an obligation.
Terence McKennaThe shaman has access to a superhuman dimension and a superhuman condition, and by being able to do that he affirms the potential for transcendence in all people. He is an exemplar, if you will.
Terence McKennaBecause the planetary culture is becoming ever more closely knitted together all its parts are becoming co-dependent.
Terence McKennaWe are reaping the fruits of ten thousand, fifty thousand years of sowing of the fields of mind. And it is being dropped into our laps for us to create human-machine interfacing, control of genetic material, redefinition of social reality, re engineering of languages, revisioning of the planetary ecology, all these things fall upon us.
Terence McKenna