I'm of the school 'Write what you know.' You can educate yourself, but the best writing usually comes from the heart.
Terrence McNallyYoung people have got to start their own theaters, really. All good theater is a kind of mom-and-pop operation. Start your own theater.
Terrence McNallyI like to surprise myself. I've always been attracted to projects where I don't know how they're going to turn out.
Terrence McNallyWork with good directors. Without them your play is doomed. At the time of my first play, I thought a good director was someone who liked my play. I was rudely awakened from that fantasy when he directed it as if he loathed it. . . . Work with good actors. A good actor hears the way you (and no one else) write. A good actor makes rewrites easy. A good actor tells you things about your play you didn't know.
Terrence McNally