In claiming that prohibition, not the drugs themselves, is the problem, Nadelmann and many others - even policemen - have said that "the war on drugs is lost." But to demand a yes or no answer to the question "Is the war against drugs being won?" is like demanding a yes or no answer to the question "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" Never can an unimaginative and fundamentally stupid metaphor have exerted a more baleful effect upon proper thought.
Theodore DalrympleOrders can be benign or malign, but the habit of obeying them can become ingrained.
Theodore DalrympleEquality of Ugliness: If we can't all live in a beautiful place we must all live in an ugly place.
Theodore DalrympleFeeling good about yourself is not the same thing as doing good. Good policy is more important than good feelings.
Theodore DalrympleLife is a biography, not a series of disconnected moments, more or less pleasurable but increasingly tedious and unsatisfying unless one imposes a purposive pattern upon them.
Theodore Dalrymple