God puts his ear so closely down to your lips that he can hear your faintest whisper.
Thomas De Witt TalmageThe distance between capital and labor is not a great gulf over which is swung a Niagara suspension bridge; it is only a step, and the laborers here will cross over and become capitalists and the capitalists will cross over and become laborers. Would to God they would shake hands while they are crossing, these from one side, and those from the other side.
Thomas De Witt TalmageWhat may we expect of people who work all day and dance all night? After a while they will be thrown on society nervous, exhausted imbeciles.
Thomas De Witt TalmageI wish that I could marshall all the young to an appreciation of the fact that you have an earnest work in life and your amusements and recreations are only to help you along in that work.
Thomas De Witt TalmageThe mob that hounded Christ from Jerusalem to "the place of a skull" has never been dispersed, but is augmenting yet, as many of the learned men of the world and great men of the world come out from their studies and their laboratories and their palaces, and cry, "Away with this man! Away with him!" The most bitter hostility which many of the learned men of this day exercise in any direction they exercise against Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Saviour of the world.
Thomas De Witt Talmage