What may we expect of people who work all day and dance all night? After a while they will be thrown on society nervous, exhausted imbeciles.
Thomas De Witt TalmageIn the lottery of life there are more prizes drawn than blanks, and to one misfortune there are fifty advantages. Despondency is the most unprofitable feeling a man can indulge in.
Thomas De Witt TalmageI wish that I could marshall all the young to an appreciation of the fact that you have an earnest work in life and your amusements and recreations are only to help you along in that work.
Thomas De Witt TalmageI move for a creed for all our denominations made out of Scripture quotations, pure and simple. That would be impregnable against infidelity and Appolyonic assault. That would be beyond human criticism. Let us make it simpler and plainer for people to get into the Kingdom of God.
Thomas De Witt Talmage