It is as useless to argue with those who have renounced the use of reason as to administer medication to the dead.
Thomas Jefferson... the common law existed while the Anglo-Saxons were yet pagans, at a time when they had never yet heard the name of Christ pronounced or knew that such a character existed.
Thomas JeffersonIt is every Americans' right and obligation to read and interpret the Constitution for himself.
Thomas JeffersonBut, you may ask, if the two departments [i.e., federal and state] should claim each the same subject of power, where is the common umpire to decide ultimately between them? In cases of little importance or urgency, the prudence of both parties will keep them aloof from the questionable ground; but if it can neither be avoided nor compromised, a convention of the States must be called to ascribe the doubtful power to that department which they may think best.
Thomas Jefferson