Stain Boy Of all the super heroes, the strangest one by far, doesn't have a special power, or drive a fancy car. next to Superman and batman, I guess he must seem tame. But to me he is quite special, and Stain Boy is his name. He can't fly around tall buildings, or outrun a speeding train, the only talent he seems to have is to leave a nasty stain. Sometimes I know it bothers him, that he can't run or swim or fly, and because of this one ability, his dry cleaning bill is sky-high.
Tim BurtonIf I had a choice about going to a meeting at a studio or changing a nappy, I'd choose the nappy.
Tim BurtonAnybody who knows me knows I would never read a comic book. And I certainly would never read anything written by Kevin Smith.
Tim BurtonThe Girl With Many Eyes One day in the park I had quite a surprise. I met a girl who had many eyes. She was really quite pretty (and also quite shocking!) and I noticed she had a mouth, so we ended up talking. We talked about flowers, and her poetry classes, and the problems she'd have if she ever wore glasses. It's great to know a girl who has so many eyes, but you really get wet when she breaks down and cries.
Tim BurtonJohnny Depp is somebody I really love working with because he doesn't care how he looks. He wants to become weird characters and I like that.
Tim Burton