With a nonviolent movement we are still inviting a strong reaction from the government or ruling authorities. We are inviting a powerful reaction against ourselves. But it undermines the moral legitimacy of our current government. That is the path we need to pursue. Rather than reinforcing their legitimacy we need to undermine their legitimacy.
Tim DeChristopherThe reality is not that I lack respect for the law; it's that I have greater respect for justice.
Tim DeChristopherMy spiritual path has largely been Christianity - a label that I embraced and then rejected and have partially embraced again, as my understanding of Christianity has changed over time. When I accepted the mainstream, dogmatic definition of Christianity there came a point when I had to say, "Well, if that's what a Christian is, I'm not one."
Tim DeChristopherOur security doesn't come from turning away from the hard stuff; it comes from the knowledge that we can handle it.
Tim DeChristopher