The reality is not that I lack respect for the law; it's that I have greater respect for justice.
Tim DeChristopherWith a nonviolent movement we are still inviting a strong reaction from the government or ruling authorities. We are inviting a powerful reaction against ourselves. But it undermines the moral legitimacy of our current government. That is the path we need to pursue. Rather than reinforcing their legitimacy we need to undermine their legitimacy.
Tim DeChristopherIf we want to change that status quo, we might have to work outside of those rules because the legal pathways available to us have been structured precisely to make sure we donโt make any substantial change.
Tim DeChristopherMy values are primarily motivated by love for other people. I value the non-human world in large part because it's so vital to human beings. Even my appreciation for wilderness grows out of an understanding of how important wilderness can be for people.
Tim DeChristopherSpirituality has to play an important role, particularly in resistance movements. The institutions we are fighting against - corporations and governments - use alienation as one of their primary weapons. A big part of their messaging is intended to make people feel separated from each other, which disempowers them, which makes them ever easier to exploit. This is really a spiritual weapon they are using. It isolates people and breaks their spirit.
Tim DeChristopher