Every religion has a prophet who is pointing people to God. Jesus is the only one who says, 'I am God, and I am coming to find you.'
Timothy KellerThe world says you are loved because of what you do. Jesus says you can now do all things because you are loved.
Timothy KellerThe main problem in the Christian life is that we have not thought out the deep implications of the gospel, we have not 'used' the gospel in and on all parts of our life.
Timothy KellerPeople are messy; therefore, relationships will be messy. Don't be surprised by messiness.
Timothy Keller[Spiritual friendship] is eagerly helping one another know, serve, love, and resemble God in deeper and deeper ways.
Timothy KellerIf you're avoiding sin and living morally so that God will have to bless you and save you, then you may be looking to Jesus as a teacher, model, and helper, but ironically you are avoiding him as Savior. You are trusting in your own goodness rather than in Jesus for your standing with God.
Timothy Keller