In both word and deed, one of the greatest idlers of all time was John Lennon. In his songs we see repeated defences of simply lying around doing nothing.
Tom HodgkinsonWhen the day comes, I remember how much I loathe flying. I seethe at the humiliation of airport security checks.
Tom HodgkinsonWe have become so obsessed by numbers and by bottom lines that beauty and truth has been knocked aside.
Tom HodgkinsonSelf-importance is a trap, because the moment we start to think that we actually matter is the moment when things start to go wrong. The truth is that you are supremely unimportant and nothing matters. All of man's striving is for nothing; all effort is wasted. To realize that everything is meaningless is tremendously liberating, since it then leaves us completely free to create our own lives and ignore the plans that others have for us.
Tom Hodgkinson