Back then, when everybody thought the world would last forever, nobody had time for anything.
Tom PerrottaIf anything, he seemed a little lonely, all too ready to open his heart at the slightest sign of interst.
Tom PerrottaWhen things don't go well, it helps to think of yourself as a genius and the rest of the world as a bunch of idiots.
Tom PerrottaNothing beats novel writing because it's complete expression of you. You just control everything. Not even a movie director has that level of control.
Tom PerrottaSafe from the Neighbors is a novel of unusual richness and depth, one that's as wise about the small shocks within a marriage as it is about the troubled history of Mississippi. Steve Yarbrough is a formidably talented novelist, shuttling between the past and present with a grace that feels effortless.
Tom Perrotta