Burn Notice' is a show that definitely has some levity to it and it's a fun show, but it's also, you fully believe, you're fully invested that Michael Westen does this stuff. You want Michael Westen on your team.
Tricia HelferPeople will always put you in a box that they think you fit in, and it's up to you to not fall into it.
Tricia HelferSitcom hours are silly easy compared to drama. Whenever an actor on a sitcom complains, I feel like smacking them!
Tricia HelferYou just have to be persistent. I think that's one of the biggest things about the model industry and this career is being persistent and believing in yourself and also being ready when the timing is right. So much of it is about timing and luck, so to be ready when you get the opportunity.
Tricia Helfer