The Bible makes it clear that self-righteousness is the premier enemy of the Gospel.
Tullian TchividjianIf you have suffered the loss of a family member to chronic disease, if you suffer debilitating seasons of depression, if you have lost your job and livelihood, gone through a divorce that came out of the blue, know that God is not punishing you. He is not waiting for you to do something.
Tullian TchividjianSelf-righteousness is unavoidable. You can either be a self-righteous Pharisee where you think you are better than everyone else or you can be a self-righteous pagan who thinks you are better than the Pharisee. If you are a self-righteous person, I could become very self-righteous thinking that you're self-righteous and you think you're so good but I know you're bad. I know I'm bad so that makes me better than you.
Tullian TchividjianWe are all both victims and victimizers. Just as everyone suffers, no one is innocent of causing suffering themselves.
Tullian Tchividjian