Great artists make the roads; good teachers and good companions can point them out. But there ain't no free rides, baby.
Ursula K. Le GuinAt this point, realism is perhaps the least adequate means of understanding or portraying the incredible realities of our existence.
Ursula K. Le GuinWe need writers who know the difference between the production of a commodity and the practice of an art.
Ursula K. Le GuinAbstractions about right and wrong, whether they are as old as Thou Shalt Not Kill or as modern as Do Your Own Thing, often serve only to confuse and weaken genuine moral decision.
Ursula K. Le GuinFantasy is a literature particularly useful for embodying and examining the real difference between good and evil. In an America where our reality may seem degraded to posturing patriotism and self-righteous brutality, imaginative literature continues to question what heroism is, to examine the roots of power, and to offer moral alternatives. Imagination is the instrument of ethics. There are many metaphors besides battle, many choices besides war, and most ways of doing good do not, in fact, involve killing anybody. Fanstasy is good at thinking about those other ways.
Ursula K. Le Guin