Some ministers preach from notes and some don't. They have argued about it for centuries. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Two Welsh preachers were on their way to a meeting. One noticed that the other carried written outlines. 'Ah,' he remonstrated, 'you cannot carry fire on paper.' 'True,' replied his companion, 'but you can use paper to start a fire!'
Vance HavnerWhere are the marks of the cross in your life? Are there any points of identification with your Lord? Alas, too many Christians wear medals but carry no scars.
Vance HavnerToo many Christians live their Christian lives inside their heads; it never gets out through hands and feet and lips.
Vance HavnerI would say to today's young minister, 'Be not afraid to give much time to solitary walks and meditation'.
Vance Havner