Desire, even in its wildest tantrums, can neither persuade me it is love nor stop me from wishing it were.
W. H. AudenBetween labor and play stands work. A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do; whatfrom the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his point of view voluntary play. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it. The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job; a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer.
W. H. AudenSome writers confuse authenticity, which they ought always to aim at, with originality, which they should never bother about.
W. H. Auden