On the earth, satellite of a star speeding through space, living things had arisen under the influence of conditions which were part of the planet's history; and as there had been a beginning of life upon it, so, under the influence of other conditions, there would be an end: man, no more significant than other forms of life, had come not as the climax of creation but as a physical reaction to the environment.
W. Somerset Maugham[Money] is the string with which a sardonic destiny directs the motions of its puppets.
W. Somerset MaughamThe nature of men and women - their essential nature - is so vile and despicable that if you were to portray a person as he really is, no one would believe you.
W. Somerset MaughamThere was an immeasurable distance between the quick and the dead: they did not seem to belong to the same species; and it was strange to think that but a little while before they had spoken and moved and eaten and laughed.
W. Somerset MaughamIn business sharp practice sometimes succeeds, but in art honesty is not only the best but the only policy.
W. Somerset Maugham