I do not confer praise or blame: I accept. I am the measure of all things. I am the center of the world.
W. Somerset MaughamAn art is only great and significant if it is one that all may enjoy. The art of a clique is but a plaything.
W. Somerset MaughamYou know, the Philistines have long since discarded the rack and stake as a means of suppressing the opinions they feared: they've discovered a much more deadly weapon of destruction -- the wisecrack.
W. Somerset MaughamI know that you're selfish, selfish beyond words, and I know that you haven't the nerve of a rabbit, I know you're a liar and a humbug, I know that you're utterly contemptible. And the tragic part is'--her face was on a sudden distraught with pain--'the tragic part is that notwithstanding I love you with all my heart.
W. Somerset Maugham