Old age: The estuary that enlarges and spreads itself grandly as it pours into the Great Sea.
Walt WhitmanDazzling and tremendous how quick the sun-rise would kill me, if I could not now and always send sun-rise out of me.
Walt WhitmanAll music is what awakes from you when you are reminded by the instruments. It is not the violins and the cornets-it is not the oboe nor the beating drums, nor the score of the baritone singer singing his sweet romanza-nor that of the women's chorus; it is nearer and farther than they.
Walt WhitmanWhy who makes much of a miracle? As to me I know nothing else but miracles, whether they be animals feeding in the fields, Or, birds, or the wonderfulness of insects in the air, Or the wonderfulness of the sundown, or of stars shining so quiet and bright, Or the exquisite delicate thin curve of the new moon in spring; These, with the rest, one and all, are to me, miracles.
Walt Whitman