Heaven is more than a destination; it is a motivation. Knowing that we shall dwell in the heavenly city ought to make a difference in our lives here and now.
Warren W. WiersbeThe school of suffering never graduates any students, so ask God to teach to you the lessons He wants you to learn.
Warren W. WiersbeWise people listen to wise instruction, especially instruction from the Word of God.
Warren W. WiersbeWhen you and I hurt deeply, what we really need is not an explanation from God but a revelation of God. We need to see how great God is; we need to recover our lost perspective on life. Things get out of proportion when we are suffering, and it takes a vision of something bigger than ourselves to get life's dimensions adjusted again
Warren W. WiersbeWhen a person does not know the doctrines of the Christian faith, he can easily be captured by false religions.
Warren W. WiersbeFour Lessons on Life 1. Never take down a fence until you know why it was put up. 2. If you get too far ahead of the army, your soldiers may mistake you for the enemy. 3. Don't complain about the bottom rungs of the ladder; they helped to get you higher. 4. If you want to enjoy the rainbow, be prepared to endure the storm.
Warren W. Wiersbe