We played in an era where you were taught to hate your opponent. But life changes. I raise my kids differently than my mom and dad raised their kids.
Wayne GretzkyIt doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't matter what other people think. You have to get on the ice and participate and play and the best team wins.
Wayne GretzkySometimes people ask, 'Are hockey fights real?' I say, 'If they weren't, I'd get in more of them.
Wayne GretzkyListen, first of all, my wife is my best friend. My love for her is deeper than anything. The reality is, I'm not involved, I wasn't involved and I'm not going to be involved. Am I concerned for both of them Sure there's concern from me. I'm more worried about them than me. I'm like you guys, I'm trying to figure it all out.
Wayne Gretzky